cik nana! always smile! forget all sad things that happen to u!!
air asia! now everyone can fly~!
pemandangan dr flight on the way back to Malaysia
Alhamdulillah kami selamat sampai ke LCCT Sepang pada jam 2.10 petang hari ahad 15 june 2009 .perjalanan selama 13 jam dari London Stansted Airport menggunakan servis Air Asia~*now everyone can fly~hehe*pukul 6 petang*waktu london* 14 june 2009.sampai di LCCT Sepang pd jam 2.10 petang waktu M'sia.i do write my own journal!see pic above! i wrote every single thing that happened to myself during our trip .i gain too much experience! thanx so much to air asia!! walaupun perjalanan pergi-balik selama 26 jam dan cik nana terlalu kebas masa duduk dlm plane tu tp sgt best! tengok pemandangan yg sgt cantik!! & waktu sampai kt Sepang tu ada check utk Influenza H1N1 tu.alhamdulillah semuanya OKay :)
haha. want this as a present??
i bought two pairs of shoes at Holloway Road.* i dun care wat ppl will say if they don't like my taste!who cares btw!!~wekk!!*
map utk guna servis train*transport at London* @ there they call "underground"
at underground.masa tunggu Baker Street Station. kat sini dorg banyak sgt line.kena teliti tengok map supaya tak silap pilih line utk ke destinasi yg hendak di tuju.such as Jubilee Line,Central Line,Metropolitan Line,Piccadily Line,District Line,Circle Line,Bakerloo Line,Northern Line,Hammersmith Line & so on.mostly we used jubilee line.bcoz tmpt yg family cik nana tinggal berdekatan dgn Dollis Hill Station.
my family wif abg hassan & abg alwi *thanx so much for being kind to us!!*
hey hey! "get out from the red box plss!!" hehe.ekceli ni old brand of public phone there.
hari terakhir kami di negeri eropah pd 13 june 2009. sempat lagi kitorg jalan2 sekitar London.excluding my bro yg duduk kt our rent house at willesden.dia xikut sekali.amik kesempatan sebab flight pukul 6 petang hari sabtu 13/6/09.cuma 2 tempat saje dpt pergi.iaitu Wembley Stadium & market at Porto Bello Road.
my sis & me in front of Wembley Stadium. do u know anything bout this stadium??
cik nana teringin sgt nak g porto bello road. ingatkan nak cari shop nama farrah's bila Fafa ada bagitau psl Darina beli toffee kat situ.then cik nana search kat internet how to go to porto bello market tu.senang sebab naik "underground" je. it is 3 km west from Marble Arch station.tapi kitorang naik Hammersmith Line headed to Notting Hill Gate station. tengok mmg ramai sgt org menuju ke porto bello road.lagipun hari sabtu start 9 pagi mmg hari pasar dorg.
cik nana nak berjalan ke porto bello market *thanx to my sis*
strawberry!! cik nana teringin sgt nak picking strawberry,apple,peach & so on kt ladang sekarang belum musim buah tu should be in September.
saya pari2 yg baik hati!~my nickname in myspace.already deleted myspace.missed playing myspace,but i had to delete it~
a beggar was playing guitar at porto bello road
way out~please mind the gap between the train and the platform~this train will terminate at stanmore~*ayat-ayat yg cik nana suka dengar dlm train*
at last,we need to go back to M'sia.out last step in europe was at London Stansted this is the London Stansted Airport. :)
adakah cik nana akan ke sini lagi satu hari nanti??insyAllah kalau ada rezeki lebih cik nana teringin nak bawak "my own family" to europe.opsss.*calon pun xda lagi.haha.* give them some experience,give support & much more.tengok negara orang my mum,bawak all my siblings here sbb nak bg kami pengalaman sbb my mum already had been here before.staying there for a moment wif my late grandfather,grandmother and my mum siblings.pengalaman adalah 1 benda yg tak boleh dijual beli.macam kalau beli motor,kereta and so on kita boleh pegang dgn kalau experience??its somehow too worth to be valued.cik nana tak akan lupakan semua ini.alhamdulillah cik nana rasa ni adalah hadiah yg tak ternilai cik nana dapat dan cik nana rasa bersyukur sgt2 sebab dapat peluang pergi tempat2 semua ni.we've been to London,Paris,Sheffield & Manchester in 2 weeks time. ikutkan 2 minggu tu tak lah lama sgt.pejam celik pejam celik dah tiba masanya utk pulang.gambar pun banyak yg di tak boleh nak upload semua.insyAllah i will upload more some other time. :)
jalan nak pergi knightsbridge.nak pergi harrod's
thanx a lot to my parents bcoz sacrificed much things toward my siblings and me! i wont forget that.cik nana promise cik nana akan belajar bersungguh2 for my degree programme!! next sem akan bukak pd 13/7/2009 second sem in first year.i ave 3 years and a half to complete my degree programme.its a long way to go!~~
insyAllah cik nana nak amik major in accounting.hope that will be the best choice for me. aunty cik nana ada cakap.kalau cik nana dapat good results for my degree,dia nak bawak cik nana melancong.good results means?pointer 3.5 above right??fuh..i need to study hard and study smart. :) cik nana boleh!! i really want to 'ave a vacation in Turki.. ^.^
Alhamdulillah Everything Went Smoothly~
i only left £20 pounds in my pocket now. £1 equals to £20 times 5.7 equal to RM114.wah! abg alwi cite masa memula beliao dtg UK 1 pound = RM7.sekarang duit pound turun sikit.tapi still duit tukaran Msia jauh berbeza sgt..camner ni..walaupun bebarang kt sane mcm murah.contoh la harga sabun basuh pinggan cuma 50 pence.*mcm 50 sen la* tp kalau times 5.7 still jadik RM2.85.
Cik Nana
p/s: kadang2 orang yg paling kita sayang adalah org yg paling susah utk disayangi. stay away from me the heartbreaker! i hate you!!!
10 gigitan apple:
Yeyey.. Cik nana sudaa balik.. Slamat pulang sis.. Heehee.. =)
kak farhana-thanks!! :) glad to be Malaysian..hee
wahhh alhamdulillah dah selamat sampai =D
hihi nana blikan tak keychain bus utk aku? wuaakakakka.
huhu, dah pulang akhirnya budak ayu nih...=)
haaa......sama la costing kite..
yg len nak komen ape ek..?
aku rasa, mcm nk ckp kat parents kau tu,bile nak bwk aku pulak??
so, mane souvenir 4 me? hehe
jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan. bestnye... i will be there soon.. Insya Allah... =)
bile nak banje akak pegi sane pulak? heheheh.
bleh sy tau. kenape myspace kamu dh buang?
cik shaz-xnak men dah. + got some probz..
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