Salam. bersawang betul blog cik nana ni.
Cuma nak update psl Dinner Graduation hari tu. 8 December 2012. Pre Graduation Gala Dinner Kulliyyah Economics and Management Sciences IIUM 2012. Basically, KENMS ada tiga departments (BACC, BECS & BBA). Majority from BACC students cik nana rasa. Hihi. So sad sebab lepas ni ramai dah meninggalkan campus life. Sebelum dan semasa program ni memacam insiden sebenarnya berlaku. contohnya kitorg silap hotel. memang spoil mood sgt2! sampai lmbt apa semua kan. nak naik kereta memang alamat tak sampai la2 sebab jem sgt teruk. kata pon kt are Bkt Bintang. last2 kitorg menapak je dlm 10-15minutes. Sebab dah lama tak menaip, let the pictures do the talkings. (i don't like to write) :p
ENMS Society :D
Yeay! We are Bachelor of Accounting students :D
Gorgeous Room-ates!
Dpt exchange gift!
US! ;)
Majority will be graduating soon. I'm gonna miss all of you. Almost 5 years and a half together (1 and half year: Matriculation + 4 years : Degree). Seriously, the campus life is the memorable moment in your life I could say!
People come and go but memories stay :)
Lastly, I love studying at the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue. Always in my heart ;)
Cherish your any second moment in your life!
Allah knows best.
p/s : Tak tahu la kalau next post lepas ni takes ages ke tak. hihi. see u all soon!
5 gigitan apple:
waahhh,meriahnya,,:D ada kat cni...hehehe...thx nana...sweet memories... =)
di mana saya..hahaha
lame dah tak update blog kn? tapi xpe, sawang dah ilang sebab dah ganti gamba beseri2.. heee... <3 u
qiha : meriah sgt kan :D
man : welcome :) my pleasure
hafeez : xdok bergambo dgn awk la pulak.kih3..
kand : lame sgt..thanks!! <3
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