nak promote Wifi-Services secara prepaid especially utk residents Mahallah Asma,Halimatul Saadiah & selected blocks in Mahallah Hafsa.kalau ada sesiapa berminat,let me know ea.*kena bg komisen kt i la mcmnih!*hahaha
1)ramai pelajar sibuk uruskan hal ADD/DROP*either manually or online" ; starting 13-17 julai 2009
2)tadi masuk kelas MACRO & ICT ramai gak kawan2 yg saya kenal & BARU KENAL!takpe la.we can always make new friends right?bak kata pepatah "berkawan biar berjutajuta lemon~berkasih biarlah satu!~"cewahh. ^.^
3)my lecturer for Macroeconomics subject this sem is Madam Zaiti Akma Zainuddin ; ramai cakap dia bagus ajar~how lucky i am!the toughest subject for this sem is Macroeconomics i guess!!dah mula belajar tajuk "the basic about economics!~*Economics is basically the study about how to use the scarce resources for unlimited wants and desires*~".nnt i.Allah belajar psl Inflation,Savings,International Trade & so on!~yeay!sekarang ni pun ekonomi M'sia tgh mengalami "Downturn"~
4)my lecturer for Information Technology subject this sem is Sir Razi Jalaldeen.he is a part-time foreigner lecturer from Sri Langka!~he's used to be a lecturer in his country ; University of Colombo!~u know what??kelas ICT saye ramai betul students foreigners!especially from boys side!such as Turkistan,Albania,Sudan,Bangladesh &Myanmar!macamana saye nak buat presentation ni dengan ramai students foreigners??termasuk lecturer pun foreigner~my english is too bad! :( BUT im happy sebab dapat sama kelas dgn Imah!!tadi balik kelas lepak2 kt bilik imah.i miss you taw!! ^.^*insyAllah nanti kita study sesame taw.."
5)today,i met A LOT of people!yuhuu.paling hepi tadi jumpa Zati!! comel sgtsgt la!pink for the day!~hehe.Study rajin2 tau..
6)gambar kt atas ni all my closes friends at UIAM!~makan sesame tadi! credit to Aiza Adiba sbb tolong capture kan pic nih.hihi
7 gigitan apple:
Ganbatte. Kelas ramai foreigner leh improve your english. Try la.
Gune IIUM wireless free sudah. hehe
munsyi-thanks.haha.improve english??InsyAllah~
IIUM wireless free mmg gune~tp in my room susa nak dpt
kalo nak laju kene usung laptop n lepak kt cafe~aiyaa takpon lepak bilik kwn2 yg dpt wifi free~huuu
selamat belaja kembali.
hehehe. ktorg da start 2mgu dah.
lompat gak nih.. huhu..
owh2.. ske la tu dpt geng..
jgn dok men or gosip2 je dlm class tu taw..
haha.. take care..
utm ada degree ke atas..
tapi kampus skudai la~
kampus KL ada dip..
dah mula kelas yer..
good luck 4 u 4 this semester..
hei budak ijau nih...=)
c0mey nyer pakai baju 0range td...
haha, nnti p0st eh..
trlompat2 keriangan nana ek dpt kelaz ngn si dia
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